Solutions for Knee Pain

Good News for Knees: Cartilage Regeneration on its Way

Categories: Arthritis / News


Are you suffering from Osteoarthritis? This new research may be your answer!

Millions of people are affected will cartilage injuries around the world. Here at Central Orthopedic on Long Island, we see hundreds of patients that have chronic knee pain or have concerns about their “crunchy” sounding knees. The traditional methods to fix these issues are medication, surgery, and physical therapy.

For people that are addressing the body’s signs of the beginnings of osteoarthritis, you may even have been told that your cartilage will never grow back and to focus on prevention of further loss of cartilage. However, a medical device company in Israel is researching and developing in the field of cartilage regeneration.

Osteoarthritis: Pain from Articular Cartilage

Cartilage is the soft tissue that cushions your joints. The knee is typically the place where most patients become aware of this flexible soft tissue. As the protective space between the bone becomes thin and frayed, patients typically feel the pain of bone rubbing on bone. Most doctors will tell you that once this part of the body degenerates, it will not grow back leaving you will very few options. There are treatments to ease the symptoms and prevent osteoarthritis from becoming worse, however there is currently no cure.


The Knees: Nothing Beats Mother Natures’ Design

Increasing numbers of knee and hip replacements are driving the need for alternatives to traditional plastics and metal alloys, which will inevitably corrode and wear out. Those foreign objects can also destroy the healthy tissue surrounding the surgical area. The way that our bones and articular cartilage behaves in our bodies is a perfectly functioning arrangement. So much so, that it has been difficult for researchers to recreate with man-made objects and other solutions.


Agili-C: How it Works

The CartiHeal Agili-C implant is placed where the natural cartilage has degenerated and is immediately infiltrated with blood, starting a biological chain reaction. The result is regenerated bone and cartilage though migration and adhesion of stem cells. The tissue created by this little implant becomes genetically identical to the body’s own tissue. The clinical evidence of the Agili-C slowly becoming a part of the human anatomy is astounding!

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Prevention is Still Key,
So Start Early!

  1. Body Weight
    One of the biggest risk factors of osteoarthritis is excess body weight. This puts extra pressure on weight-bearing joints and will break down cartilage over time.  
  2. Exercise
    Keeping your muscles strong will help take pressure off your weight-bearing joints. Exercises such as bicycling and swimming take weight off your joints, allowing you to exercise with out added strain

Orthopedics Long Island