Water Therapy Group for Arthritis Treatment

Aqua Therapy: Just What the Doctor Ordered

Categories: Exercises / Pain Management

Aqua Therapy Could Be Just What The Doctor Ordered When it Comes to Your Arthritis Pain
Trade in your sneakers for a swimsuit!

This post has been updated from its original version, which was posted on June 29th, 2016.

Arthritis symptoms can make staying active and healthy difficult. Stiffness, joint pain and swelling make exercise painful and very tough to navigate. However, staying active can improve your flexibility and range of motion. In addition, it can reinforce and protect your joints. At Central Orthopedic Group, we suggest water exercise, or Aqua Therapy, if you’re finding gentle yoga or walking fitness too painful to do. The right diet can also help to manage your arthritis pain.

Exercising in water allows your joints to have a full range of motion, without too much resistance. Water’s natural buoyancy offers a weightless quality, effectively removing the stress from your sore joints. As a result, you can exercise with significantly less pain. Aqua Therapy is a gentle routine both beneficial and easy to commit to. In this post, we’ll explore the benefits of Aqua Therapy.


1. Start with Walking Laps in the Pool

If you’re new to water exercises, it’s important not to dive straight into the most rigorous exercises. First, you should warm up with gentle, basic activity. Basically, this will help you to gauge how your body adjusts and reacts to the water.

Begin by completing walking laps or marching in place. Gradually add leg kicks to the front, side, and back. Make sure you keep your balance on the side of the pool. Are you feeling comfortable? Then work in arm lifts and circles to engage more joints.

2. Take a Water Aerobics Class

Nowadays, it’s not difficult to find Aqua Therapy in local venues. Countless classes and group fitness programs exist specifically for gentle and effective arthritis exercise! Also, if you’re already comfortable in the water, try a class at your gym, physical therapy clinic or local YMCA.

Specifically, you want one with a focus on arthritis symptoms. We always advise our patients to inform instructors of their condition. This way, they can make any necessary modifications to your routine.

3. Ask Your Orthopedist for Help

Are you eager to try Aqua Therapy, but not sure where to begin? Of course, you can always ask your orthopedist! We’re happy to provide a recommendation that revolves around your diagnosis. We consider it our mission to provide guidance, education and care to ensure that you’re properly treating and managing your arthritis with natural remedies for pain management.

Woman in Pool for Aqua Therapy Class


4. Don’t get Discouraged

You may be surprised by your body’s soreness and pain after the first few water sessions. Delayed-onset muscle soreness is a natural response to a new exercise regime. Also, it’s an indicator that your muscles are growing stronger.

However, if you’re feeling so sore that it’s inhibiting your daily tasks or job, your exercises may be too intense. Consult with your doctor to create a gentler routine that’s effective, but less damaging. And remember: the stronger you get, the less sore you will feel.



There are plenty of springtime exercises you can do to stay active and prevent injury. Aqua Therapy can be exactly what you need to heal and reinforce your joints.