Autumn- a time for family, a time for activities!
The air has finally cooled and the Long Island humidity is slowly dissipating. It’s almost time for warm cider as we sit around firepits and revel in the crisp evening air. In old times, the harvest would be upon us. Although most of us aren’t spending our days plucking the bounty in the fields, Autumn brings about an increase in physical activity for many of us, sometimes we don’t even realize it!
Autumn Activities
Pumpkin farms, gardening, baking, and raking leaves. These joy bringing activities, unfortunately, can be injuries waiting to happen.
Lifting, Bending & Running Injuries
1) Strains
A strain occurs to muscles and tendons. It is commonly known as a pulled muscle. Tendons are connective tissues that attach muscle to bone. The exertion placed on a specific area can cause microscopic tears in the tissue. Subsequently, strains can be very painful. Bending, lifting, and jerking motions without the use of proper body mechanics can cause strains. Raking leaves and picking up heavy pumpkins or gourds are all common causes of strains. Pain or tenderness, weakness, redness, swelling, or muscle spasms may all be indicative of a strain.
There are many different orthopedic methods for treating strains- both surgical and nonsurgical. Rest is imperative, cold therapy and light stretching may help as well. An increase in blood flow will aid the injured tissue in healing. For this reason, gentle movement will help.
2) Sprains
Sprains, on the other hand, are tearing or stretching of ligaments. Ligaments are fibrous pieces of connective tissue that connect two bones together. When overstretching or overexerting happens, sprains occur. Similar to strains, signs, and symptoms of sprains include redness, swelling, pain, and decreased mobility. On the other hand bruising may also occur. Oftentimes clients report hearing a popping sound when the injury occurs. Gardening is a leading cause of sprains. It is important to make sure your space is uncluttered and it is clear when you get up from kneeling. A trip over a plant can cause a fall which can lead to trauma on the joint causing a Sprain.
Treatment of sprains may be as simple as casting or splinting the affected area. Surgery may be required though. Noninvasive treatment of sprains is common. Therefore, rest, ice, compression to treat swelling and elevation can alleviate pain experienced with sprains.
3) Stress Fractures
You may find yourself out walking or running more often because the weather has cooled. Overuse is one of the most common causes of running injuries. Stress fractures can occur with repeated and continuous stress on the bones. High impact activity like running on hard surfaces causes repetitive blows to the bones of the foot, ankle, and leg. So, the connective tissues in the body become fatigued. They are unable to aid in absorbing shock the way they need to. Symptoms of stress fractures include pain upon use that subsides with rest and swelling or aching at the injury site.
An x-ray assesses and diagnosis the injury. A comprehensive treatment plan will then be created. A brace or splint may be required and rest is always recommended. As a result, avoidance of weight-bearing activity may also be necessary. Surgical intervention may be warranted in severe cases where the fracture persists or worsens. Orthopedic surgical care may include screws, pins, or plates to aid in the healing of the fracture.
Central Orthopedic: Helping you Enjoy All Seasons
The Central Orthopedic Group has three convenient locations and over 15 trusted providers. Therefore, no matter where you are on the island, we can aid you in a full recovery. You deserve a team that is committed to helping you heal. You need to get back to your highest level of functioning. With winter right around the corner, let’s get you back to health. Before we know it the time to wrap presents, shovel, and cozy up with family will be here. You’ve earned a relaxing, pain-free holiday season with the ones you love!