man with pain in the knee while running outdoors in cold day

How (And Why) Cold Weather Affects Your Knees

Categories: General Orthopedics

On Long Island, we’re still battling through the bitter cold of winter. As most of us know, this is a season that can burden us with significant orthopedic challenges. As a Long Island orthopedist, we treat several injuries caused during winter. Between ice, snow, shoveling and car accidents, winter is a time for everyone to  … View More

Doctor with MRI and Patient

What is a High-Field MRI and Why We Use It

Categories: Diagnosis & Testing / General Orthopedics

At Central Orthopedics, our goal has always been to provide patients with the treatment they need to overcome injuries. In order to provide this treatment, we need to first assess these injuries with an MRI machine. We utilize a new high-field MRI machine, which expands our ability to diagnose injuries and develop treatment plans. For  … View More

Ankle strain injury while running outdoors

Strain Injuries: Some Basic Information

Categories: General Orthopedics

As Long Island’s leading orthopedist, Central Orthopedic Group diagnoses and treats several different orthopedic injuries on a regular basis. One of the most common types of orthopedic injuries we treat is strain injury. Now that the weather has plummeted, strains are among the common winter injuries treated here at Central Orthopedic Group. Many people often  … View More

woman shoveling snow

4 Common Causes of Winter Injuries

Categories: General Orthopedics

Winter is just about here! During this time of year, most of us worry about the flu, the common cold, and other winter ailments. However, you should also be conscious of bodily injuries! Icy walkways and slippery driving conditions can create dangerous situations. And unfortunately, your body is particularly vulnerable to injuries during the winter.  … View More

What is Spinal Revision Surgery?

Categories: Back Pain / General Orthopedics

The spine is one of the most important parts of the body. It’s a critical part of the central nervous system, linking the brain with the rest of the body. The spine also relays messages from the brain to the rest of the body– making it possible for the body to move, and for organs  … View More

older man exercising

Sports Medicine: New Recommended Exercise Guidelines

Categories: Child Orthopedics / Exercises / General Orthopedics / News / Sports Medicine

For some people, exercising is a standard part of any day’s routine — jogging comes as naturally as hand washing. For others, though, finding the motivation and time to exercise can be more difficult. With Amazon Prime eliminating trips to the grocery store and Uber Eats delivering food to the home, people are less likely  … View More

family on the beach in the sun

How to Prevent Back Pain During the Summer

Categories: Back Pain / General Orthopedics

For many people living on Long Island, summer is a transformative time. There’s no better opportunity to take advantage of the glorious beaches, or to spend hours with friends in your backyard. As Long Island orthopedists, we have unfortunately observed that these summer activities can take a toll on your physical health, without the proper  … View More