2020 is officially behind us. As a result, most of us couldn’t be happier. Obviously, 2020 was a year of significant challenges for just about everyone. The COVID-19 pandemic had a severe impact on countless aspects of our lives and continues to affect us in many ways. However, with 2021 (and an impending vaccine) comes a glimmer of hope for a better year.
One of the best ways to ensure a great year is to prioritize your health and wellness. Of course, the spread of COVID-19 made it very difficult to actively maintain a healthy lifestyle. Many of us have simply ignored shoulder, knee and hip pain. But with signs of a positive change on the horizon, now is the perfect time to work towards better health. In this post, we’ll discuss some tips for staying healthy in 2021. With any luck, this year it won’t be difficult to apply them.
1. Seek the Treatment You’ve Been Putting Off…
Naturally, the desire to postpone things was much stronger during 2020. Obviously, during such a difficult period, it’s completely understandable. More and more patients ignored symptoms of orthopedic issues in 2020 than ever before. With so much widespread instability and uncertainty, knee or hip pain can seem like less of a priority. However, you should make it a priority as soon as possible.
By putting off treatment, you’re most likely ensuring much worse problems in the future. In fact, with a long enough delay, a very simple issue could evolve into something much more complex. So this year, stop ignoring your pain and make an appointment to treat it now!
2. Implement a Simple Exercise Into Your Routine
For many months throughout 2020, gyms were closed. Since COVID-19 has yet to be completely eradicated, gym attendance is low. In addition, there are still occupancy limits on most public spaces. Therefore, a record-breaking number of people neglected their exercise this past year. As a result, many people who were previously in excellent shape aren’t anymore.
So what does that mean for 2021? It means we need to correct this! If you’re among the many people with no exercise routine, now is the time to change that. Of course, you may still feel reluctant to visit a gym. However, fortunately there are numerous ways to exercise from home (with cardio machines and more) or independently. Simply taking regular walks can improve your orthopedic health.
And, you won’t just lose weight and look better, you’ll also reduce the risk of sports injuries in the future.
3. Improve Your Diet & Take Your Vitamins!
This is one of the most effective and simple ways to improve orthopedic health. With the collective plummet in exercise during 2020 came the widespread abandonment of nutrition. Many of us, under the influence of quarantine, developed wildly unhealthy eating habits. All we have to do is pick up our phones and swipe a few times to have fast food delivered to our doorsteps within minutes. This is tempting and convenient, but it’s also not healthy at all.
Of course, a nutritious, low-sugar diet is one of the most obvious ways to improve your health. Work fruit and vegetables into your daily food intake and eliminate the less-desirable food. In addition, you can greatly improve orthopedic health with calcium and vitamin-D rich food. If you’re missing out on them, take supplements and vitamins that provide them. Strengthening your bones and joints now means less orthopedic issues in the future.
Conclusion – Central Orthopedic Group
These three simple tips will go a long way towards ensuring a much healthier year for you. At Central Orthopedic Group, we’ll continue to be here to help you recover from any sports injury or ailment you might experience. Our team maintains a passionate commitment to the wellbeing of our patients. And we’ll keep working towards your health and a pain-free lifestyle throughout 2021 and beyond!