Male tennis player holding racket and ball

5 Common Tennis Injuries & How to Treat Them

Categories: Sports Medicine

With spring finally here, many people are eager to start engaging in their favorite activities. Boating, jogging and golfing are all great sources of exercise, but carry their fair share of risks. While tennis is a leisurely way to spend a quiet Sunday morning, improper technique may lead to injury. As an orthopedics office with  … View More

Transitioning From the Treadmill to Outdoor Running

Categories: Exercises

For runners and exercise enthusiasts, there’s nothing quite like going for a steady jog or a brisk run outdoors. With spring nearly here and summer around the corner, runners will be able to leave the treadmill for the outdoors. But, our Long Island orthopedics office specialists urge runners to exercise caution during this transition. Read  … View More

2018 Olympics: Long Island Athletes and Injuries

Categories: Sports Medicine

While curling has earned its reputation as a low-impact Olympic event, not all events are risk-free. Skiing, snowboarding and even sledding, however, pose a much larger danger to the body. With sports ranging from simple tests in coordination to rapid, open-air movement, sports in the winter Olympics can have many potential injuries. Read on to  … View More

doctor examining patients knee

2018 Winter Safety: Preventing Spinal and Hip Injuries

Categories: General Orthopedics

For Long Islanders, winter signifies a lot of things. Some like the way the snow falls on the trees, and others love the crunch of the snow beneath their feet. But, like it or not, winter does carry with it an increased risk. The abundance of snow, ice and generally dangerous conditions make winter injuries  … View More

Carpal Tunnel Diagram

Carpal Tunnel Syndrome: How a Hand Surgeon Can Help

Categories: Exercises

By now, almost everyone knows that office jobs can have a negative impact on one’s body. The increasingly sedentary lifestyle leads to a stronger chance for heart disease, obesity, and other negative conditions. While factory employees and skilled laborers are at the highest risk for carpal tunnel syndrome, office employees are also predisposed to this  … View More

Minimally Invasive Spine Surgery

Categories: Back Pain

Throughout life, everyone is at some point susceptible to a severe spine injury. Whether your injury results from excessive lifting, a sedentary lifestyle, or a sports-related accident, spine injuries can result in a great deal of pain. Unfortunately, spine injuries can create serious limitations on your lifestyle. Recently, orthopedic surgeons have shifted their attention toward  … View More

Man holding wrist in pain

Winter is Coming: A Comprehensive Guide to Hand Pain

Categories: Arthritis

As one of the most versatile structures of the human body, hands help us to accomplish almost everything. From performing essential functions like eating and drinking, to intellectual pursuits like writing, to recreational sports and exercises, our hands help us push the boundaries of our lifestyles as humans. Unfortunately, though, human hands can also be  … View More