Woman Sore After Workout - DOMS

DOMS: How Sore is Too Sore to Workout?

Categories: Exercises

Hurt-so-good or pushed-too-far? How to tell if you need a rest day… The level of soreness that you feel after an especially hard workout is usually written off as a badge of honor; you pushed an extra mile on the treadmill, or increased your weights used on the curl machine. You’re feeling accomplished and strong.  … View More

Solutions for Knee Pain

Good News for Knees: Cartilage Regeneration on its Way

Categories: Arthritis / News

#TechTuesdays Are you suffering from Osteoarthritis? This new research may be your answer! Millions of people are affected will cartilage injuries around the world. Here at Central Orthopedic on Long Island, we see hundreds of patients that have chronic knee pain or have concerns about their “crunchy” sounding knees. The traditional methods to fix these  … View More

What to Expect Before & After Joint Replacement Surgery

Joint Replacement: What to Expect Before & After

Categories: News

Ask an Orthopedic Series #AskAnOrtho QUESTION: “I recently became a candidate for joint replacement surgery – What can I expect during and after the procedure?” Finding out that you are a candidate for joint replacement surgery can be overwhelming, but if you find yourself living with debilitating joint pain as a result of arthritis, injury,  … View More

Ease Sciatic Pain

Effective Ways to Ease Sciatic Pain

Categories: Back Pain / Exercises

Don’t Know if it’s Sciatica? Symptoms Include: Consistent pain on one side of the leg or buttocks Elevated pain when sitting Pain in the legs that can be described as tingling, searing, or burning Feelings of weakness, numbness or difficulty in moving leg or foot Sharp pain inhibiting the ability to stand or walk Find  … View More

Should I use hot or cold for an injury

Heat or Ice on Injuries?

Categories: Back Pain / Pain Management / Sports Medicine

Ask an Orthopedic Series #AskAnOrtho Question: When should I use hot vs. cold therapy for an injury? Both hot and cold therapies can help to reduce pain from a muscle or joint injury, but deciding which course of treatment to take can be more than a little bit confusing! At The Central Orthopedic Group, we  … View More

3D Printing Offers Patient Specific Orthopedic Care

Categories: News / Sports Medicine

As orthopedists, we like to keep watch for advances to 3D printing, and just how important it is becoming to the medical field. While 3D printing technology has been around for 30-plus years, it has recently been a hot button topic in the news, with the announcement that Carolina Panthers linebacker Thomas Davis, Sr would  … View More

Central Orthopedic Doctor Sees Spike in Hoverboard Injuries

Categories: News

Dr Mitchell Keschner of the Central Orthopedic Group sat down with the team at News 12 Long Island to discuss the influx of hoverboard related injuries that are plaguing youth and adults alike since their increase in popularity over the last several months. A 12-year-old boy from Plainview fell off his hoverboard just a day  … View More

Cold Weather Running - Long Island

Runners: Prepare Your Winter Knees

Categories: Arthritis / Sports Medicine

New Year’s resolutions to be fit and active (paired with a particularly warm January in New York) has seen an influx of runners hitting the pavement in lieu of the treadmill. But as cold weather begins to settle in, you could be wreaking havoc on your knee joints. The brisk winter months tend to make  … View More